How to Install SSMS

SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) is a graphical tool that you can use to administer SQL Server.

SSMS used to be bundled with SQL Server, but that is no longer the case. You must now install it separately.

This article shows you how to install SSMS (including screenshots).

Note that SSMS is only available for Windows machines. If you’re using a non-Windows machine (such as Mac or Linux), try Azure Data Studio or perhaps DBeaver.

Also note that Azure Data Studio is now included when you install SSMS (starting with SSMS 18.7).

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Create a SQL Server Database with Azure Data Studio

Here, I explain how to use Azure Data Studio (formerly SQL Operations Studio) to create a database in SQL Server.

In my case, I’m running SQL Server on a Mac (via a Docker container), but these instructions are generic and should work exactly the same way on Linux and Windows.

This tutorial assumes you already have Azure Data Studio installed on your machine, and you’ve connected to your SQL Server instance. If you don’t have Azure Data Studio installed on your machine, here are instructions for installing it on a Mac and connecting to SQL Server via Docker.  The Azure Data Studio installation is pretty straightforward (you install it just like any other software), so if you’re on Linux or Windows, you shouldn’t have any issues.

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How to Restore a SQL Server Database on a Mac using Azure Data Studio

Restoring a database is a piece of cake with Azure Data Studio. It’s a similar process to doing it with SQL Server Management Studio.  Simply click Restore and follow the prompts.

This restore process allows you to navigate through the computer’s file system to locate the .bak file. This .bak file contains a backup of the database you want to restore. So when SQL Server restores the database, it’s using the .bak file to do so.

However, if you’re running your SQL Server instance inside a Docker container (which of course, you would be if you’re running SQL Server on Mac or Linux), there’s something you need to be aware of if your backup file is located outside the Docker container.

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How to Install Azure Data Studio on a Mac

Azure Data Studio (previously known as SQL Operations Studio) is a free tool that you can use to manage SQL Server. It uses a graphical user interface (GUI) that helps you view the various databases and objects within a SQL Server instance. It can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and it’s also designed to be used with Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

Here I explain how to install Azure Data Studio onto a Mac, then how to use it to connect to SQL Server.

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What is Azure Data Studio?

Microsoft Azure Data Studio is a free, cross-platform tool that can be used to manage SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

Azure Data Studio was formerly called SQL Operations Studio (while it was in preview release), and it was renamed to Azure Data Studio once it was moved to general availability (GA) on September 24, 2018.

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How to Restore a SQL Server Database on a Mac using SQL Operations Studio

UPDATE: SQL Operations Studio (SQLOPS) has since been renamed to Azure Data Studio. The steps in this article remain the same though. In any case, I’ve also rewritten these steps (and included the equivalent screenshots) specifically for Azure Data Studio . See How to Restore a SQL Server Database on a Mac using Azure Data Studio.

Restoring a database is a piece of cake with SQL Operations Studio. It’s a similar process to doing it with SQL Server Management Studio.  Simply click Restore and follow the prompts.

This restore process allows you to navigate through the computer’s file system to locate the .bak file. This .bak file contains a backup of the database you want to restore. So when SQL Server restores the database, it’s using the .bak file to do so.

However, if you’re running your SQL Server instance inside a Docker container (which of course, you would be if you’re running SQL Server on Mac or Linux), there’s something you need to be aware of if your backup file is located outside the Docker container.

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Create a SQL Server Database with SQLOPS

UPDATE: SQL Operations Studio (SQLOPS) has since been renamed to Azure Data Studio. The steps in this article remain the same though. In any case, I’ve also rewritten these steps (and included the equivalent screenshots) specifically for Azure Data Studio . See Create a SQL Server Database with Azure Data Studio.

Here, I explain how to use SQL Operations Studio (SQLOPS) to create a database in SQL Server.

In my case, I’m running SQL Server on a Mac (via a Docker container), but these instructions are generic and should work exactly the same way on Linux and Windows.

This tutorial assumes you already have SQLOPS installed on your machine, and you’ve connected to your SQL Server instance. If you don’t have SQLOPS installed on your machine, here are instructions for installing it on a Mac and connecting to SQL Server via Docker.  The SQLOPS installation is pretty straightforward (you install it just like any other software), so if you’re on Linux or Windows, you shouldn’t have any issues.

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