How ON CONFLICT Works in SQLite

SQLite has the ON CONFLICT clause that allows you to specify how to handle constraint conflicts. It applies to UNIQUE, NOT NULL, CHECK, and PRIMARY KEY constraints (but not FOREIGN KEY constraints).

There are five possible options you can use with this clause:

  • FAIL

This article provides examples and an explanation of each of these options.

The ON CONFLICT clause is used in CREATE TABLE statements, but it can also be used when inserting or updating data by replacing ON CONFLICT with OR.

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In SQLite, an AUTOINCREMENT column is one that uses an automatically incremented value for each row that’s inserted into the table.

There are a couple of ways you can create an AUTOINCREMENT column:

  • You can create it implicitly when you define the column as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY.
  • You can create it explicitly with the AUTOINCREMENT keyword. One downside of this method is that it uses extra CPU, memory, disk space, and disk I/O overhead.

Both methods cause the column to use an incrementing value each time a new row is inserted with NULL in that column.

However, there are some subtle differences between how each method works.

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What is @@SERVICENAME in SQL Server?

In SQL Server, the @@SERVICENAME configuration function returns the name of the registry key under which SQL Server is running.

No argument is required. You can simply use it in a SELECT statement to return the registry key’s name.

Note that SQL Server runs as a service named MSSQLServer. The @@SERVICENAME function returns MSSQLSERVER if the current instance is the default instance. It returns the instance name if the current instance is a named instance.

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Introduction to User-Defined Functions in SQL Server

SQL Server ships with a collection of built-in functions that enable you to perform a variety of operations. Each built-in function serves a specific purpose, and can’t be modified. If a function serves your purpose, you can go ahead and use it.

But what if you can’t find a function that serves your purpose?

Then it’s time to write your own user-defined function.

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What is a Scalar UDF in SQL Server?

In SQL Server, a scalar UDF, or scalar user-defined function, is a user-defined function that returns a single value.

This is in contrast to a table-valued function, which returns a result set in the form of a table.

User-defined functions can be written as either T-SQL UDFs or CLR (Common Language Runtime) UDFs. CLR enables you to create UDFs in managed code using any .NET Framework programming language. These functions are then accessible to T-SQL or other managed code.

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What is a Table-Valued Function in SQL Server?

In SQL Server, a table-valued function (TVF) is a user-defined function that returns a table. This is in contrast to a scalar function, which returns a single value.

You can invoke a table-valued function in the same way that you can query a table. For example, you can use it in a SELECT statement. In some cases, table-valued functions can also be used to update, delete, and insert data.

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