Find Out if a Partition is Compressed in SQL Server (T-SQL)

In SQL Server, you can query the sys.partitions system catalog view to find out whether or not a partition has been compressed.

In particular, the data_compression column tells you whether it’s compressed or not. The data_compression_desc column tells you what type of compression it uses. If it isn’t compressed, it returns NONE.

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Return All Rows From a Specific Partition in SQL Server (T-SQL)

When you create a partitioned table in SQL Server, you specify which values go into each partition.

This is done when you create the partition function. When you create the partition function, you specify boundary values, which determine which values go into each partition.

Once you’ve created your partitioned table, and you’ve inserted data, you can run a normal SELECT statement to return data, just as you would with a non-partitioned table (actually, even non-partitioned tables have one partition).

But did you know that you can also specify which partition you want data from?

You can do this with the help of the $PARTITION system function in your WHERE clause.

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