How to Install Azure Data Studio on Ubuntu 20.04

Azure Data Studio is a neat little graphical tool for managing databases.

It’s available on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. On Linux it’s available on Red Hat (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and Ubuntu.

This tutorial shows you how to install Azure Data Studio on Ubuntu 20.04 via the GUI. Screenshots included.

I’ve also included the commands for installation via the command-line in case you prefer that method.

Download Azure Data Studio

The first step is to download the latest Azure Data Studio release from the Microsoft website.

Go to the Microsoft Download page, look for the Linux options:

Screenshot of the Microsoft website for downloading Azure Data Studio, with an arrow pointing at the Linux .deb option

Click the .deb option.

You’ll be prompted to either save the file or open it:

Screenshot of the Save File dialog box in Firefox

Select the Save File option, then click OK.

This will download the file to your computer.

Once downloaded you should see the file listed:

Screenshot of the downloaded file

Click on the file.

Install Azure Data Studio

After clicking the above file, the following screen is displayed:

Screenshot of the Install button

Click Install.

You may be prompted to authenticate:

Screenshot of the authentication prompt

Enter your password as required.

This installation process now begins:

Screenshot of the installation in progress

It shouldn’t take too long.

Once installed, the Install button will change to Remove:

Screenshot of the successful installation screen, with the Remove button

This means that Azure Data Studio has been successfully installed!

Open Azure Data Studio

You can find Azure Data Studio amongst your Applications by clicking on the Show Applications icon – the nine dotted square at the bottom left of the screen:

Screenshot of the various Applications

You can also filter the applications by searching for azure:

Screenshot of the Azure Data Studio icon

You can launch Azure Data Studio from here, or you can type azuredatastudio into the Terminal.

Once it’s launched, you should see something like this:

Screenshot of Azure Data Studio

To start using it, click New connection under the Start heading near the top left.

You will be prompted to set up a new connection:

Screenshot of the New Connection box in Azure Data Studio

Enter the server, user name, and password to make a connection.

Command-Line Installation

If you prefer to do things by the command-line, you can install Azure Data Studio by downloading the .deb file, then opening Terminal, and entering the following:

cd ~
sudo dpkg -i ./Downloads/azuredatastudio-linux-1.24.0.deb

Replace 1.24.0 with the version of your downloaded file, as indicated in the downloaded .deb file.

You can now launch Azure Data Studio with the following command:


Depending on your setup, it’s possible that you may have missing dependencies. If so, running the following should sort this out:

sudo apt-get install libxss1

sudo apt-get install libgconf-2-4

sudo apt-get install libunwind8