Dealing with Primary Key Conflicts when Inserting Data in SQLite

SQLite has a non-standard SQL extension clause called ON CONFLICT that enables us to specify how to deal with constraint conflicts.

In particular, the clause applies to UNIQUE, NOT NULL, CHECK, and PRIMARY KEY constraints.

This article provides examples of how this clause can be used to determine how to handle primary key constraint conflicts.

By “primary key constraint conflicts”, I mean when you try to insert a duplicate value into a primary key column. By default, when you try to do this, the operation will be aborted and SQLite will return an error.

But you can use the ON CONFLICT clause to change the way SQLite deals with these situations.

One option is to use this clause in the CREATE TABLE statement when creating the table. Doing that will determine how all INSERT operations are treated.

Another option is to use the clause on the INSERT statement whenever you try to insert data into the table. This allows you to take advantage of the clause even when the table wasn’t created with it. When you use this option, the syntax is different; you use OR instead of ON CONFLICT.

The examples on this page use the second option – I create the table without the ON CONFLICT clause, and I instead specify OR on the INSERT statement.

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