Understanding the DISTINCT ON Option in PostgreSQL

Most major RDBMSs support the DISTINCT clause, which allows us to get unique – or “distinct” – rows from our SQL queries. But PostgreSQL’s implementation of this clause has an extra option that most other RDBMSs don’t include.

PostgreSQL allows us to include the ON() option when using DISTINCT. This enables us to specify exactly which columns should be evaluated by the DISTINCT modifier, while simultaneously allowing us to return columns that aren’t evaluated.

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Understanding the OFFSET Clause in Oracle

In Oracle Database, we can use the OFFSET clause to make a SELECT statement skip a certain number of rows in its result set.

The OFFSET clause is defined as part of the FETCH row limiting clause, which allows us to limit the number of rows returned by a query.

We can therefore use both OFFSET and FETCH to limit the output to just the specified number or percentage of rows, at a specified offset.

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RANK() vs DENSE_RANK() in SQL: What’s the Difference?

Many RDBMSs include both a rank() and a dense_rank() function in their list of window function offerings. At first glance, these functions might appear to do the same thing. However, there’s one important difference between these functions, and you will definitely need to be aware of this difference when choosing which function to use.

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