How to Setup Database Mail in SQL Server (SSMS)

This article shows you how to setup Database Mail for the first time on a new SQL Server installation.

As with many things SQL Server, you can configure Database Mail via the SSMS GUI, or you can do it using T-SQL code.

This article covers the SSMS GUI option. If you’re interested in the T-SQL option, see How to Send Email in SQL Server (T-SQL).

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SSMS Now Comes with Azure Data Studio

I recently installed the latest release of SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) and saw that Azure Data Studio was automatically installed with it.

The release notes confirm that this is the case starting from SSMS 18.7 (which was released on October 20, 2020:

Beginning with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.7, Azure Data Studio is automatically installed alongside SSMS. Users of SQL Server Management Studio are now able to benefit from the innovations and features in Azure Data Studio. Azure Data Studio is a cross-platform and open-source desktop tool for your environments, whether in the cloud, on-premises, or hybrid

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