SQL SELECT Syntax – Listed by DBMS

This article lists the SQL SELECT syntax, as implemented by various database management systems (DBMSs). The syntax is listed exactly as each vendor has listed it on their website. Click on the applicable link to view more detail about the syntax for a particular vendor.

The DBMSs covered are MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and Oracle Database.

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How to Use the Query Designer in SQL Server

To use the Query Designer in SQL Server:

  1. Open a new query by clicking New Query on the toolbar
  2. Open the Query Designer by selecting Query > Design Query in Editor... from the top menu
  3. Add the tables you want to run the query against
  4. Build the criteria for your query then click OK

The query will appear in the query window. To run the query, click ! Execute or press F5

Below are screenshots for the above steps.

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How to Create a Query in Access

To create a query in Access 2013 or 2016:

  1. Click the CREATE > Query Design button on the Ribbon.
  2. Choose the tables to include in the query
  3. Choose the fields to include, and adjust the criteria
  4. Click the Run button (or just switch to Datasheet view)

The results of the query will be displayed.

You also have the option of saving your query. To save the query, right-click on the query tab. click Save, and name it at the prompt.

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