4 Ways to Find Out What Columns will be Returned by a Stored Procedure in SQL Server

If you ever find yourself in the situation where you’re about to execute a stored procedure, but you suddenly catch yourself. You wonder “How many columns does this thing return? Which tables? Does it query a remote server?”

The good news is there are several ways to get this information before you run the query. Let’s look at them.

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SQL UNION Clause for Beginners

In SQL, the UNION clause concatenates the results of two queries into a single result set.

You can use the UNION clause with or without the ALL argument:

  • UNION ALL – Includes duplicates.
  • UNION – Excludes duplicates.

Some RDBMSs also accept UNION DISTINCT, which is the equivalent to UNION. That is, it excludes duplicates.

Below are some basic examples to demonstrate how it works.

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SQL AVG() for Beginners

In SQL, the AVG() function is an aggregate function that returns the average of all values in a given expression.

It can also be used to return the average of all distinct (unique) values in an expression.

The expression must be numeric (it cannot be character string, bit string, or datetime).

Below are some basic examples to demonstrate how it works.

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SQL SUM() for Beginners

In SQL, the SUM() function is an aggregate function that returns the sum of all values in a given expression.

It can also be used to return the sum of all distinct (unique) values in an expression.

The expression must be numeric (it cannot be character string, bit string, or datetime).

Below are some basic examples to demonstrate how it works.

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