In Oracle Database, the TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ()
function converts its argument to a value of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
data type.
2 Functions to Get the Year from a Date in Oracle
Below are two functions that can be used to extract the year from a date in Oracle Database.
Continue readingTO_DSINTERVAL() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the TO_DSINTERVAL()
function converts its argument to a value of INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
data type.
TZ_OFFSET() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the TZ_OFFSET()
function returns the time zone offset corresponding to the argument based on the date the statement is executed.
NUMTOYMINTERVAL() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the NUMTOYMINTERVAL()
function converts a number to an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
NUMTODSINTERVAL() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the NUMTODSINTERVAL()
function converts a number to an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
List of Datetime Format Elements in Oracle
Below is a full list of the datetime format elements in Oracle Database.
Continue readingNEXT_DAY() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the NEXT_DAY()
function returns the date of the first instance of the specified weekday that is later than the specified date.
TO_CHAR(datetime) Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the TO_CHAR(datetime)
function converts a datetime or interval value to a VARCHAR2
value in the format specified by the date format.
NEW_TIME() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the NEW_TIME()
function converts the date from a specified time zone to another specified time zone, and returns the result.