MySQL LEAST() Function – Find the Smallest Argument in a List of Arguments

The MySQL LEAST() function is a comparison function that returns the smallest value from a list of values.

The list of values is provided as multiple arguments. So in other words, LEAST() returns the minimum-valued argument from a list of arguments.


The syntax of LEAST() goes like this:


Each argument is separated by a comma. This function compares them all and returns the one with the smallest value.

Example 1 – Comparing Numbers

If all arguments are integers, they’re compared as integers.

SELECT LEAST(12, 120, 2400) AS 'Result';


| Result |
|     12 |

If at least one argument is double precision, they are compared as double-precision values. Otherwise, if at least one argument is a DECIMAL value, they are compared as DECIMAL values.

SELECT LEAST(12, 120.00, 2400) AS 'Result';


| Result |
|  12.00 |

See below for the exact rules for determining the return value.

Example 2 – Comparing Strings

Here’s an example of comparing strings.

SELECT LEAST('a', 'b', 'c') AS 'Result';


| Result |
| a      |

Here’s another one:

SELECT LEAST('Aardvark', 'Dog', 'Rat') AS 'Result';


| Result   |
| Aardvark |

Example 3 – NULL Values

If any of the arguments is NULL, the result is NULL.

SELECT LEAST('a', NULL, 'c') AS 'Result';


| Result |
| NULL   |

Comparison Rules

Certain rules are applied when determining what the return value will be. These rules are as follows:

  • If any argument is NULL, the result is NULL. No comparison is needed.
  • If all arguments are integer-valued, they are compared as integers.
  • If at least one argument is double precision, they are compared as double-precision values. Otherwise, if at least one argument is a DECIMAL value, they are compared as DECIMAL values.
  • If the arguments comprise a mix of numbers and strings, they are compared as numbers.
  • If any argument is a nonbinary (character) string, the arguments are compared as nonbinary strings.
  • In all other cases, the arguments are compared as binary strings.