MariaDB String Functions (Full List)

This article contains a full list of built-in MariaDB string functions and operators.

The following is a list of string functions and operators available in MariaDB. Click on each function or operator name to see an explanation of the function, its syntax, and examples.

ASCII()Returns the numeric ASCII code of the leftmost character of a given string.
BIN()Returns a string containing the binary representation of a number.
BINARYCasts the string following it to a binary string.
BIT_LENGTH()Returns the number of bits in a string.
CAST()Casts a value of one type to another type.
CHAR()Returns string based on the integer values for the individual characters.
CHAR_LENGTH()Returns the length of a string, measured in characters.
CHR()Returns a character based on the code values provided as an argument.
CONCAT()Enables you to concatenate two or more strings.
CONCAT_WS()Allows you to add a separator while concatenating one or more strings.
CONVERT()Converts a value to another data type. 
ELT()Returns a list item at a given position in the list.
EXPORT_SET()Returns an on string for every bit set, an off string for every bit not set.
EXTRACTVALUE()Returns CDATA from an XML fragment.
FIELD()Returns the position of a given string or number within a list of arguments. The function returns the index (position) of the first argument in the list of subsequent arguments.
FIND_IN_SET()Returns the index of a given list item within a string list (for example ‘item1, item2, item3,…’).
FORMAT()Allows you to format a number to a specific format.
FROM_BASE64()Decodes a base-64 encoded string and returns the result.
HEX()Converts a string to its hexadecimal representation.
INSERT()Inserts a string into another string.
INSTR()Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring within a string.
LCASE()Synonym for LOWER() (converts a string to lowercase).
LEFT()Returns the leftmost characters from a string.
LENGTH()Returns the length of a string, measured in bytes. Behaves differently, depending on whether it’s in Oracle mode or not.
LENGTHB()Returns the length of a string, measured in bytes. Behaves consistently regardless of whether it’s in Oracle mode or not.
LIKEPerforms pattern matching using an SQL pattern.
LOAD_FILE()Reads a file and returns its contents as a string.
LOCATE()Returns the position of a substring within a string.
LOWER()Converts a string to lowercase.
LPAD()Allows you to pad the left part of a string with one or more characters.
LTRIM()Trims whitespace from the beginning of a string.
MAKE_SET()Returns a set value (a string containing substrings separated by , characters) consisting of the characters specified as arguments when you call the function.
MATCH AGAINSTPerforms a full-text search.
MID()Returns a substring starting from the specified position (synonym for SUBSTRING()).
NOT LIKENegation of the LIKE operator.
OCTET_LENGTH()Returns the length of a string, measured in bytes (synonym of LENGTH()).
ORD()Returns the numeric value of the leftmost character of a given string.
POSITION()Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring within the string (synonym for LOCATE(), but with a slightly different syntax).
QUOTE()Quotes a string to produce a result that can be used as a properly escaped data value in an SQL statement.
REGEXPDetermines whether or not a string matches a regular expression.
REGEXP_INSTR()Returns the starting index of a substring that matches the regular expression pattern.
REGEXP_LIKE()Once implemented, this function will determine whether or not a string matches a regular expression (same as REGEXP).

As of this writing, REGEXP_LIKE() is has been requested, but not added to MariaDB. See this JIRA request for its latest status.
REGEXP_REPLACE()Replaces occurrences of the substring within a string that matches the given regular expression pattern.
REGEXP_SUBSTR()Returns the substring that matches the given regular expression pattern.
REPEAT()Used to repeat a string as many times as required.
REPLACE()Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another string.
REVERSE()Returns a string with the order of the characters reversed.
RIGHT()Returns the rightmost characters from a string.
RLIKEDetermines whether or not a string matches a regular expression.
RPAD()Allows you to pad the right part of a string with one or more characters.
RTRIM()Trims whitespace from the right-hand side of a string.
SOUNDEX()Returns a Soundex string from a given string.
SOUNDS LIKECompares sounds.
SPACE()Returns a string consisting of a specified number of space characters.
STRCMP()Compares two strings according to their sort order.
SUBSTR()Returns a substring starting from the specified position (synonym for SUBSTRING()).
SUBSTRING()Returns a substring starting from the specified position.
SUBSTRING_INDEX()Returns everything before or after a certain character (or characters) in a string.
TO_BASE64()Converts a string to a base-64 encoded string and returns the result.
TO_CHAR()Converts a date/time/timestamp expression to a string.
TRIM()Trims whitespace (or other specified characters) from the start and/or end of a string.
TRIM_ORACLE()Synonym for the Oracle mode version of the TRIM() function.
UCASE()Synonym for UPPER() (converts a string to uppercase).
UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()Returns the length of a compressed string before it was compressed with the COMPRESS() function.
UNHEX()Interprets each pair of characters in the argument as a hexadecimal number and converts it to the byte represented by the number.
UPDATEXML()Replaces a single portion of a given fragment of XML markup with a new XML fragment.
UPPER()Converts a string to uppercase.
WEIGHT_STRING()Returns the weight string for the input string. This function is a debugging function intended for internal use.