How to Get the Length of a String in Redis

In Redis, we can use the STRLEN command to get the length of a given string value, based on its key.

We can also use the HSTRLEN command to get the string length of a value stored in a hash.

Example – STRLEN

Suppose we have a key with the following string value:

GET fruit



We can get the length of that string value like this:

STRLEN fruit


(integer) 10

In this case we get an integer reply of 10, which indicates that the string is ten characters long.

Let’s do another key:

GET lastname



We can get the length of that string value like this:

STRLEN lastname


(integer) 5

This time the return value is 5, which means that our string is five characters long.

Example – HSTRLEN

We can also get the length of a string that’s stored in a hash.

Suppose we set the following hash:

HSET customer firstname "Rob" lastname "Banks" age 35


(integer) 3

We just set three fields in our hash.

Now let’s get the length of the firstname field:

HSTRLEN customer firstname


(integer) 3

And the lastname field:

HSTRLEN customer lastname


(integer) 5

And the age field:

HSTRLEN customer age


(integer) 2