Get All Parameters from a SQL Server Database (T-SQL)

In SQL Server we can query the sys.parameters system catalog view to return all parameters that belong to user-defined objects.

For system objects, we can query the sys.system_parameters view. We can alternatively query the sys.all_parameters system catalog view to return all parameters that belong to either user-defined or system objects.

Get Parameters from User-Defined Objects

Here’s an example of querying sys.parameters on the WideWorldImporters sample database to return all the parameters from user-defined objects:

    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) AS SchemaName,
    OBJECT_NAME(p.object_id) AS ObjectName, AS ParameterName,
    o.type_desc AS ObjectType,
    TYPE_NAME(p.user_type_id) AS DataType,
FROM sys.parameters p
JOIN sys.objects o
ON o.object_id = p.object_id
ORDER BY SchemaName, ObjectName, ParameterName;

Here’s a sample of the result set:

SchemaName          ObjectName                  ParameterName                         ObjectType                        DataType   max_length  precision  scale  is_output  has_default_value  default_value
------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------------------  --------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  -----  ---------  -----------------  -------------
Application         AddRoleMemberIfNonexistent  @RoleName                             SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              sysname    256         0          0      false      false              null         
Application         AddRoleMemberIfNonexistent  @UserName                             SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              sysname    256         0          0      false      false              null         
Application         CreateRoleIfNonexistent     @RoleName                             SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              sysname    256         0          0      false      false              null         
Application         DetermineCustomerAccess     @CityID                               SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION  int        4           10         0      false      false              null         
DataLoadSimulation  PopulateDataToCurrentDate   @AreDatesPrinted                      SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              bit        1           1          0      false      false              null         
DataLoadSimulation  PopulateDataToCurrentDate   @AverageNumberOfCustomerOrdersPerDay  SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              int        4           10         0      false      false              null         
DataLoadSimulation  PopulateDataToCurrentDate   @IsSilentMode                         SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              bit        1           1          0      false      false              null         
DataLoadSimulation  PopulateDataToCurrentDate   @SaturdayPercentageOfNormalWorkDay    SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              int        4           10         0      false      false              null         
DataLoadSimulation  PopulateDataToCurrentDate   @SundayPercentageOfNormalWorkDay      SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              int        4           10         0      false      false              null         
Integration         GetCityUpdates              @LastCutoff                           SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetCityUpdates              @NewCutoff                            SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetCustomerUpdates          @LastCutoff                           SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetCustomerUpdates          @NewCutoff                            SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetEmployeeUpdates          @LastCutoff                           SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetEmployeeUpdates          @NewCutoff                            SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetMovementUpdates          @LastCutoff                           SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetMovementUpdates          @NewCutoff                            SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetOrderUpdates             @LastCutoff                           SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetOrderUpdates             @NewCutoff                            SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetPaymentMethodUpdates     @LastCutoff                           SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetPaymentMethodUpdates     @NewCutoff                            SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetPurchaseUpdates          @LastCutoff                           SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetPurchaseUpdates          @NewCutoff                            SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         
Integration         GetSaleUpdates              @LastCutoff                           SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              datetime2  8           27         7      false      false              null         

In my case 66 rows were returned but I only provided a subset of these. We can always use a WHERE clause to filter the results based on a given criteria, such as the schema name, or the object, etc:

    SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) AS SchemaName,
    OBJECT_NAME(p.object_id) AS ObjectName, AS ParameterName,
    o.type_desc AS ObjectType,
    TYPE_NAME(p.user_type_id) AS DataType,
FROM sys.parameters p
JOIN sys.objects o
ON o.object_id = p.object_id
WHERE SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) = 'Application'
ORDER BY SchemaName, ObjectName, ParameterName;


SchemaName   ObjectName                  ParameterName  ObjectType                        DataType  max_length  precision  scale  is_output  has_default_value  default_value
-----------  --------------------------  -------------  --------------------------------  --------  ----------  ---------  -----  ---------  -----------------  -------------
Application  AddRoleMemberIfNonexistent  @RoleName      SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              sysname   256         0          0      false      false              null         
Application  AddRoleMemberIfNonexistent  @UserName      SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              sysname   256         0          0      false      false              null         
Application  CreateRoleIfNonexistent     @RoleName      SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE              sysname   256         0          0      false      false              null         
Application  DetermineCustomerAccess     @CityID        SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION  int       4           10         0      false      false              null         

Parameters for System Objects

For system objects, we can change sys.parameters to sys.system_parameters, and for both system and user-defined objects we can change sys.parameters to sys.all_parameters.