Fix “LIMIT is only supported in combination with either BYSCORE or BYLEX” in Redis

If you’re getting an error that reads “LIMIT is only supported in combination with either BYSCORE or BYLEX” it’s probably because you’re trying to use the LIMIT clause without using the BYSCORE or BYLEX arguments.

This can happen when using the VRANGE command without either of the BYSCORE or BYLEX arguments.

To fix this issue, use either the BYSCORE or BYLEX argument when using the command. This obviously means that we need to adjust our query so that it’s querying by score or lexicographically.

Example of Error

Here’s an example of code that causes the error:

ZRANGE scores 0 -1 LIMIT 1 3


(error) ERR syntax error, LIMIT is only supported in combination with either BYSCORE or BYLEX

I got the error because I didn’t include either BYSCORE or BYLEX in my code.


We can fix this problem by including either the BYSCORE or BYLEX argument:

ZRANGE scores -inf inf BYSCORE LIMIT 1 3


1) "user:1"
2) "user:3"
3) "user:5"

In my case, I changed the query around so that it’s querying by score. This is the score that is assigned to each element.