Creating Named Windows in SQL Server with the WINDOW Clause

Many RDBMSs support the concept of named windows – windows that we can reference from within an OVER clause when defining a window function.

For those of us using SQL Server, we had to wait until the release of SQL Server 2022 before we could create named windows for our window functions. But with the release of SQL Server 2022, we now have the option of using named windows in our window functions.

Named windows are made possible with the WINDOW clause of the SELECT statement. We use this clause to define the named window, and then we reference that window name in our SELECT list for each column that needs to use the named window.

Database Compatibility

The WINDOW clause requires database compatibility level 160 or higher. Here’s how to check your database’s compatibility level, and here’s how to change it (and here’s how to do both in SSMS).


The syntax for the WINDOW clause goes like this:

WINDOW window_name AS (
       [ reference_window_name ]   
       [ <PARTITION BY clause> ]  
       [ <ORDER BY clause> ]   
       [ <ROW or RANGE clause> ]  
<PARTITION BY clause> ::=  
PARTITION BY value_expression , ... [ n ]  
<ORDER BY clause> ::=  
ORDER BY order_by_expression  
    [ COLLATE collation_name ]   
    [ ASC | DESC ]   
    [ ,...n ]  
<ROW or RANGE clause> ::=  
{ ROWS | RANGE } <window frame extent>

So we define it with WINDOW, followed by the window name, followed by AS (). We insert the window’s definition in between the parentheses.


Here’s a basic example to demonstrate:

    Population AS "City Population", 
    SUM(Population) OVER win AS "District Population" 
FROM City 
WHERE CountryCode = 'AUS' 


District             Name            City Population District Population
-------------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------
Capital Region       Canberra                 322723              322723
New South Wales      Sydney                  3276207             3993949
New South Wales      Newcastle                270324             3993949
New South Wales      Central Coast            227657             3993949
New South Wales      Wollongong               219761             3993949
Queensland           Brisbane                1291117             1805236
Queensland           Gold Coast               311932             1805236
Queensland           Townsville               109914             1805236
Queensland           Cairns                    92273             1805236
South Australia      Adelaide                 978100              978100
Tasmania             Hobart                   126118              126118
Victoria             Geelong                  125382             2990711
Victoria             Melbourne               2865329             2990711
West Australia       Perth                   1096829             1096829

Here, I created a named window called win. This named window has PARTITION BY District as its definition. We refer to that named window in our OVER clause, which causes the results to be partitioned by the District column.

Modifying the Definition

We can also define other criteria in the OVER clause when using named windows. This means we can define part of the window in the WINDOW clause, and part of it in the OVER clause.

This allows multiple columns to use the named window, but also have their own distinct criteria.

Here’s an example of what I mean:

    SUM(Population) OVER win AS "Default",
    SUM(Population) OVER(win ORDER BY Name ASC) AS "Ascending",
    SUM(Population) OVER(win ORDER BY Name DESC) AS "Descending"
FROM City 
WHERE CountryCode = 'AUS' 


District             Name            Population  Default     Ascending   Descending 
-------------------- --------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Capital Region       Canberra             322723      322723      322723      322723
New South Wales      Wollongong           219761     3993949     3993949      219761
New South Wales      Sydney              3276207     3993949     3774188     3495968
New South Wales      Newcastle            270324     3993949      497981     3766292
New South Wales      Central Coast        227657     3993949      227657     3993949
Queensland           Townsville           109914     1805236     1805236      109914
Queensland           Gold Coast           311932     1805236     1695322      421846
Queensland           Cairns                92273     1805236     1383390      514119
Queensland           Brisbane            1291117     1805236     1291117     1805236
South Australia      Adelaide             978100      978100      978100      978100
Tasmania             Hobart               126118      126118      126118      126118
Victoria             Melbourne           2865329     2990711     2990711     2865329
Victoria             Geelong              125382     2990711      125382     2990711
West Australia       Perth               1096829     1096829     1096829     1096829

In this case, three columns use the named window for its PARTITION BY clause. But two of the columns have extra criteria, in the form of ORDER BY clauses.

But it’s important to note that we can’t double up on clauses. We can only add clauses that aren’t in the named window. For example if the named window has a PARTITION BY clause, we can’t add another PARTITION BY clause to a column that refers to that named window. In other words, we can’t overwrite the definition in the WINDOW clause, we can only add to it.

Here’s an example to demonstrate what I mean:

    SUM(Population) OVER(win PARTITION BY District) AS "Population"
FROM City 
WHERE CountryCode = 'AUS' 


Msg 4123, Level 15, State 2, Server bd79c358ea10, Line 69
Window element in OVER clause can not also be specified in WINDOW clause.

In this case I tried to use two PARTITION BY clauses – one in the named window and one in the column that refers to that named window. This is not allowed and so I got an error.

Named Windows for More Concise Code

Named windows are a handy feature that can help us to make our code more concise. Named windows provide us with the opportunity to reuse code, so that we don’t need to replicate the same code multiple times.

Here’s an example to demonstrate:

  ROW_NUMBER() OVER win AS "Row Number",
  RANK()       OVER win AS "Rank",
  DENSE_RANK() OVER win AS "Dense Rank"
FROM Products
WINDOW win AS (ORDER BY ProductPrice);


ProductPrice Row Number           Rank                 Dense Rank          
------------ -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
        9.99                    1                    1                    1
       10.00                    2                    2                    2
       11.99                    3                    3                    3
       12.45                    4                    4                    4
       14.75                    5                    5                    5
       25.99                    6                    6                    6
       25.99                    7                    6                    6
       33.49                    8                    8                    7
       55.99                    9                    9                    8
      245.00                   10                   10                    9

Here, all three windows leverage the named window for its ORDER BY clause.

While it’s true that we still have to replicate the window name (in this case win), that still results in less code than what we would’ve had if we’d replicated its definition (i.e. ORDER BY ProductPrice). This effect would be even greater if the definition included a PARTITION BY clause and a ROW or RANGE clause.

Defining Multiple Named Windows

We can define multiple named windows with a single WINDOW clause. To do this, we simply separate them with a comma:

    SUM(Population) OVER win1 AS "Default",
    SUM(Population) OVER win2 AS "Ascending",
    SUM(Population) OVER win3 AS "Descending"
FROM City 
WHERE CountryCode = 'AUS'
  win1 AS (PARTITION BY District), 
  win2 AS (PARTITION BY District ORDER BY Name ASC), 
  win3 AS (PARTITION BY District ORDER BY Name DESC);


District             Name            Population  Default     Ascending   Descending 
-------------------- --------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Capital Region       Canberra             322723      322723      322723      322723
New South Wales      Wollongong           219761     3993949     3993949      219761
New South Wales      Sydney              3276207     3993949     3774188     3495968
New South Wales      Newcastle            270324     3993949      497981     3766292
New South Wales      Central Coast        227657     3993949      227657     3993949
Queensland           Townsville           109914     1805236     1805236      109914
Queensland           Gold Coast           311932     1805236     1695322      421846
Queensland           Cairns                92273     1805236     1383390      514119
Queensland           Brisbane            1291117     1805236     1291117     1805236
South Australia      Adelaide             978100      978100      978100      978100
Tasmania             Hobart               126118      126118      126118      126118
Victoria             Melbourne           2865329     2990711     2990711     2865329
Victoria             Geelong              125382     2990711      125382     2990711
West Australia       Perth               1096829     1096829     1096829     1096829

Window Chaining

Named windows can refer to other named windows in the same WINDOW clause.


    SUM(Population) OVER win1 AS "Default",
    SUM(Population) OVER win2 AS "Ascending",
    SUM(Population) OVER win3 AS "Descending"
FROM City 
WHERE CountryCode = 'AUS' 
  win1 AS (PARTITION BY District), 
  win2 AS (win1 ORDER BY Name ASC), 
  win3 AS (win1 ORDER BY Name DESC);


District             Name            Population  Default     Ascending   Descending 
-------------------- --------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Capital Region       Canberra             322723      322723      322723      322723
New South Wales      Wollongong           219761     3993949     3993949      219761
New South Wales      Sydney              3276207     3993949     3774188     3495968
New South Wales      Newcastle            270324     3993949      497981     3766292
New South Wales      Central Coast        227657     3993949      227657     3993949
Queensland           Townsville           109914     1805236     1805236      109914
Queensland           Gold Coast           311932     1805236     1695322      421846
Queensland           Cairns                92273     1805236     1383390      514119
Queensland           Brisbane            1291117     1805236     1291117     1805236
South Australia      Adelaide             978100      978100      978100      978100
Tasmania             Hobart               126118      126118      126118      126118
Victoria             Melbourne           2865329     2990711     2990711     2865329
Victoria             Geelong              125382     2990711      125382     2990711
West Australia       Perth               1096829     1096829     1096829     1096829

In this example, both win2 and win3 refer to win1, while also having their own individual ORDER BY clauses.

However, a window component defined in one window cannot be redefined by another window referencing it.

Also, cyclic references and using multiple window references in a single window are not allowed.