MySQL GROUPING() Function Explained

In MySQL, the GROUPING() function allows us to identity which rows have been generated by the WITH ROLLUP modifier of the GROUP BY clause.

By default, WITH ROLLUP outputs NULL as the value that represents all aggregate values. By this, I mean it doesn’t provide us with a nice easy to read label. It simply outputs NULL. This makes it more difficult for us to distinguish between normal rows and super aggregate rows that were generated by WITH ROLLUP.

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How to Remove a SQL Mode from sql_mode in MySQL

MySQL can operate in different SQL modes. These can be set at server startup or at runtime.

DBAs can set the global SQL mode to match site server operating requirements, and each application can set its session SQL mode to its own requirements. Users can also set their own SQL mode at the session level via the @@sql_mode system variable.

By default, the sql_mode system variable contains a list of SQL modes that are applied.

As a user, we can modify our sql_mode system variable as required at runtime. This article demonstrates how we can remove a SQL mode from our sql_mode system variable.

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How to Remove NOT NULL from a Column in MySQL

NOT NULL constraints are an important tool for maintaining data integrity in SQL databases. However, we may occasionally find that a NOT NULL constraint gets in the way of a legitimate operation that we want to perform, and it prevents us from entering data. In such cases, we may need to remove the NOT NULL constraint in order to proceed.

To remove a NOT NULL constraint in MySQL, we use the ALTER TABLE statement to redefine the relevant column without the NOT NULL constraint.

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MySQL ANY_VALUE() Function Explained

In MySQL, ANY_VALUE() is an aggregate function that allows us to include nonaggregated columns in the SELECT list when using the GROUP BY clause.

The ANY_VALUE() function is commonly used to resolve issues that arise when a query includes columns that are not part of the GROUP BY clause or aggregate functions. It can be useful in scenarios where we want to include descriptive columns in a grouped result set without affecting the grouping behaviour.

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Fix “LIMIT is only supported in combination with either BYSCORE or BYLEX” in Redis

If you’re getting an error that reads “LIMIT is only supported in combination with either BYSCORE or BYLEX” it’s probably because you’re trying to use the LIMIT clause without using the BYSCORE or BYLEX arguments.

This can happen when using the VRANGE command without either of the BYSCORE or BYLEX arguments.

To fix this issue, use either the BYSCORE or BYLEX argument when using the command. This obviously means that we need to adjust our query so that it’s querying by score or lexicographically.

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Fix Error 6358 “…is not a valid style number when converting to XML” in SQL Server

If you’re getting error msg 6358 which reads something like 300 is not a valid style number when converting to XML, it’s probably because you’re trying to convert a value to XML, but the style that you’re specifying isn’t supported for conversions to that data type.

It’s not that the conversion can’t happen, it’s just that it can’t happen using the style that you’re specifying.

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