In Oracle, the LTRIM()
function allows you to trim the left part of a string. By default, it trims white space, but you can optionally specify a different character or characters to trim.
Category: DBMS
Database Management Systems
RTRIM() Function in Oracle
In Oracle, the RTRIM()
function allows you to trim the right part of a string. By default, it trims white space, but you can optionally specify a different character or characters to trim.
SET SQLBLANKLINES: How to Allow Blank Lines in SQLcl & SQL*Plus
If you’re trying to run a multi-line query in SQLcl or SQL*Plus, and you keep getting an error such as “Unknown Command”, but running it in SQL Developer causes no such error, maybe this post will help.
By default, SQLcl and SQL*Plus don’t allow blank lines in SQL statements. However, you can change this with the SET SQLBLANKLINES
SINH() Function in Oracle
In Oracle, the SINH()
function returns the hyperbolic sine of its argument.
SIN() Function in Oracle
In Oracle, the SIN()
function returns the sine of its argument, where the argument is an angle expressed in radians.
MongoDB Aggregation Operators for Returning Date Parts
This article lists the various aggregation pipeline operators that can be used to return individual date parts from a Date object in MongoDB.
Continue readingPOWER() Function in Oracle
In Oracle, the POWER()
function returns its first argument raised to the power of its second argument.
REMAINDER() Function in Oracle
In Oracle, the REMAINDER()
function returns the remainder of its first argument divided by its second.
It’s similar to the MOD()
function, except that it uses ROUND()
in its calculation, whereas MOD()
uses FLOOR()
in its calculation.
4 Functions to Get the Hour from a Time Value in MariaDB
Below are 4 functions that enable you to return the hour from a time value in MariaDB.
Continue readingMOD() Function in Oracle
In Oracle, the MOD()
function returns the modulo operation. In other words, it returns the remainder of its first argument divided by its second.