How to Change the Date Format in your Oracle Session

When working with functions that return dates, Oracle Database returns these dates based on the value of the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter.

There is also an NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT parameter and an NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT parameter, both of which have a datetime format mask that can be specified separately.

All of these parameters have their default values derived from the NLS_TERRITORY parameter (which by default, is operating system-dependent).

So, to change the date format for your session, you can either update the NLS_TERRITORY parameter, or explicitly update each parameter individually.

This article provides examples of checking and changing these values, and viewing the results.

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INSTR() Function in Oracle

In Oracle, the INSTR() function searches for a substring in a given string, and returns an integer indicating the position of the first character of this substring. If the substring isn’t found, the function returns 0.

INSTR() requires at least two arguments; the string, and the substring. It also accepts an optional third and fourth arguments that allows you to specify the starting position to search, and which occurrence to search for.

INSTR() can also be thought of as a group of functions. There are five separate functions; INSTR(), INSTRB(), INSTRC(), INSTR2(), and INSTR4(). Each function calculates the length in a different way.

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