Add a Time Zone Offset to a datetime2 Value in SQL Server (T-SQL)

In SQL Server, the TODATETIMEOFFSET() function was specifically designed to return a datetimeoffset value from a datetime2 value.

Given the fact that the datetime2 data type doesn’t actually support time zone offsets, and datetimeoffset must contain the offset, the TODATETIMEOFFSET() function allows you to specify a time zone offset to use.

This article provides some examples to demonstrate.

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How to Concatenate Strings in SQL

Most of the major RDBMSs provide several options for concatenating two or more strings.

  • There’s the CONCAT() function, which concatenates its arguments.
  • There’s also a CONCAT_WS() that allows you to specify a separator that separates the concatenated strings.
  • And there’s also a string concatenation operator, which allows us to concatenate its operands.

Below are examples of each method.

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