4 Ways to Separate Hours, Minutes, and Seconds from a Time Value in MariaDB

MariaDB has several functions that enable you to extract various date and time parts from date/time values. You can use these to separate each date/time component into its own column if required.

Below are four ways to extract the hours, minutes, and seconds from a time value in MariaDB. As a bonus, we’ll also include microseconds.

The HOUR(), MINUTE(), SECOND() and MICROSECOND() Functions

The HOUR(), MINUTE(), and SECOND() functions extract the hours, minutes, and seconds from a date or datetime value respectively.

And if you’re working with a higher precision, you can use the MICROSECOND() function to return the microseconds part.

Here’s an example of using these functions to return each time component in its own column:

    HOUR('10:45:30.123456') AS "Hours",
    MINUTE('10:45:30.123456') AS "Minutes",
    SECOND('10:45:30.123456') AS "Seconds",
    MICROSECOND('10:45:30.123456') AS "Microseconds";


| Hours | Minutes | Seconds | Microseconds |
|    10 |      45 |      30 |       123456 |

TIME values can be in the range '-838:59:59.999999' to '838:59:59.999999'.

TIME values can also be negative. In such cases, the return values are still positive.

Here’s a negative time value:

    HOUR('-10:45:30.123456') AS "Hours",
    MINUTE('-10:45:30.123456') AS "Minutes",
    SECOND('-10:45:30.123456') AS "Seconds",
    MICROSECOND('-10:45:30.123456') AS "Microseconds";


| Hours | Minutes | Seconds | Microseconds |
|    10 |      45 |      30 |       123456 |

The EXTRACT() Function

The EXTRACT() function allows you to extract a specified unit from the date/time value. Therefore, you can use it to extract the hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds from the time value.


    EXTRACT(HOUR FROM '10:45:30.123456') AS "Hours",
    EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM '10:45:30.123456') AS "Minutes",
    EXTRACT(SECOND FROM '10:45:30.123456') AS "Seconds",
    EXTRACT(MICROSECOND FROM '10:45:30.123456') AS "Microseconds";


| Hours | Minutes | Seconds | Microseconds |
|    10 |      45 |      30 |       123456 |

The TIME_FORMAT() Function

The TIME_FORMAT() function allows you to format a time value based on a format string. The format string specifies how the time should be formatted.

You can therefore use this function to return the various time parts separately.


    TIME_FORMAT('10:07:30.123456', '%H') AS "Hours",
    TIME_FORMAT('10:07:30.123456', '%i') AS "Minutes",
    TIME_FORMAT('10:07:30.123456', '%s') AS "Seconds",
    TIME_FORMAT('10:07:30.123456', '%f') AS "Microseconds";


| Hours | Minutes | Seconds | Microseconds |
| 10    | 07      | 30      | 123456       |

It’s also possible to return all time components separately, but in the same column.

Here’s an example of what I mean:

SELECT TIME_FORMAT('10:07:30.123456', '%H %i %s %f');


| TIME_FORMAT('10:07:30.123456', '%H %i %s %f') |
| 10 07 30 123456                               |

The TIME_FORMAT() function accepts a subset of the format strings that can be used with the DATE_FORMAT() function.

There are several possible format specifiers for the hour part. The format specifier used above returns the hour with two digits between 00 and 23. See MariaDB Format Strings for a full list of format strings/specifiers that can be used with DATE_FORMAT(). The TIME_FORMAT() function only accepts format specifiers for hours, minutes, and seconds/sub seconds. Any other format specifier results in null or 0 being returned.

The DATE_FORMAT() Function

The DATE_FORMAT() function allows you to format a date or datetime value based on a format string. The format string specifies how the date/time should be formatted.

We can therefore use the same format specifiers that we used with the TIME_FORMAT() function in the previous example. However, DATE_FORMAT() doesn’t accept a TIME value, so we will need to pass a DATETIME value.

    DATE_FORMAT('2023-01-01 10:07:30.123456', '%H') AS "Hours",
    DATE_FORMAT('2023-01-01 10:07:30.123456', '%i') AS "Minutes",
    DATE_FORMAT('2023-01-01 10:07:30.123456', '%s') AS "Seconds",
    DATE_FORMAT('2023-01-01 10:07:30.123456', '%f') AS "Microseconds";


| Hours | Minutes | Seconds | Microseconds |
| 10    | 07      | 30      | 123456       |

Passing just a TIME value doesn’t work with this function:

    DATE_FORMAT('10:07:30.123456', '%H') AS "Hours",
    DATE_FORMAT('10:07:30.123456', '%i') AS "Minutes",
    DATE_FORMAT('10:07:30.123456', '%s') AS "Seconds",
    DATE_FORMAT('10:07:30.123456', '%f') AS "Microseconds";


| Hours | Minutes | Seconds | Microseconds |
| NULL  | NULL    | NULL    | NULL         |
1 row in set, 4 warnings (0.003 sec)

Let’s see the warning:



| Level   | Code | Message                                     |
| Warning | 1292 | Incorrect datetime value: '10:07:30.123456' |
| Warning | 1292 | Incorrect datetime value: '10:07:30.123456' |
| Warning | 1292 | Incorrect datetime value: '10:07:30.123456' |
| Warning | 1292 | Incorrect datetime value: '10:07:30.123456' |