What is a Natural Key in SQL?

In relational database design, the concept of a “key” is fundamental. Keys are essential for uniquely identifying records in a table, ensuring data integrity, and facilitating efficient data retrieval. Among the different types of keys used in SQL, the natural key is one that often sparks discussion among database designers, especially when compared with the surrogate key.

Let’s explore the concept of a natural key, its advantages and disadvantages, and look at a practical example to illustrate its use.

What is a Natural Key?

A natural key is a column or a set of columns in a database table that uniquely identifies a record and is derived from the inherent data itself. Unlike surrogate keys, which are artificially generated (usually as an auto-incrementing number or a GUID), natural keys are based on real-world data that has actually meaning outside the database.

So the characteristics of a natural key include:

  1. Derived from Existing Data: A natural key comes directly from the data in the table, often representing attributes that naturally differentiate each record.
  2. Uniqueness: It ensures the uniqueness of each row in the table, which is critical for maintaining data integrity.
  3. Stable Over Time: Ideally, a natural key should be stable, meaning it should not change frequently over time.

Example of a Natural Key

Consider a table called Employees:


In this example, SocialSecurityNumber can be considered a natural key. It is a real-world identifier that is unique to each individual and does not change, making it an appropriate candidate key (one that could be a primary key).

In this table, it appears that the database designer decided to use a surrogate key as the primary key (for the EmployeeID column).

Natural Key vs. Surrogate Key

The decision between using a natural key or a surrogate key is often debated in database design. Understanding the differences can help in making an informed choice.

Surrogate Key

A surrogate key is an artificially generated value used to uniquely identify a record. It has no inherent meaning and is typically an auto-incrementing number or a GUID. This is compared to the natural key, which does have meaning.

In the above Employees table, the EmployeeID column is a surrogate key. It is simply a unique identifier generated by the database, without any intrinsic meaning related to the employee.


Here’s a quick comparison between the two:

  • Natural Key:
    • Meaningful: Represents real-world data.
    • Complexity: Can be complex, especially if composed of multiple columns.
    • Risk of Change: May change if the real-world data changes, which can be problematic.
  • Surrogate Key:
    • No Meaning: Purely for identification purposes within the database.
    • Simplicity: Easy to implement and manage.
    • Stable: Remains constant even if the data in other columns changes.

Advantages of Using a Natural Key

Here are some advantages of using a natural key for creating the primary key:

  • Meaningful Data Relationships: Using a natural key means that foreign key relationships between tables are more meaningful and easier to understand. For example, a foreign key referencing a SocialSecurityNumber column immediately conveys that the relationship is based on a real-world identifier.
  • Avoiding Redundancy: In cases where the natural key is stable and unique, using it can avoid the redundancy of adding a separate surrogate key, simplifying the database schema.

Disadvantages of Using a Natural Key

And here are some disadvantages to using a natural key for the primary key:

  • Stability Concerns: One of the biggest risks of using a natural key is that the underlying real-world data might change. For example, suppose a company decides that the ProductName column was going to be the primary key because all of its products have unique names. But then the company later decides to change the name of some of its products. In this case the key would also need to change, which could be a complex operation.
  • Complexity: Natural keys are often composite, meaning they consist of multiple columns. This can complicate SQL queries, indexing, and database management.
  • Performance Issues: In some cases, natural keys, especially if they are composite or large in size, can lead to slower performance in queries, particularly in large tables with many records.

When to Use a Natural Key

The decision to use a natural key depends on several factors, including the nature of the data, the likelihood of the key changing, and the performance requirements. Natural keys are most appropriate when:

  • The key is stable and unlikely to change.
  • The data is inherently unique and meaningful.
  • There is a strong need to avoid surrogate keys for simplicity or data integrity reasons.

Example Scenario

Consider a Products table in an inventory system:

ABC123Widget AA basic widget10.99
XYZ456Gadget BAn advanced gadget24.99

In this case, ProductCode could serve as a natural key. It is unique, meaningful, and stable, making it an ideal candidate.

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