Overview of the WINDOW Clause in SQL

The WINDOW clause is an optional clause that we can use in our SQL queries to create a named window. The named window can then be used as part of a window function.

When creating a window function, a SQL developer will often define it directly in the OVER clause. But that’s not the only way to do it. We can alternatively use the WINDOW clause to define it in a named window, and then refer to that named window in the OVER clause.

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Understanding the DENSE_RANK() Function in MySQL

In MySQL, the DENSE_RANK() function is a window function that returns the rank of the current row within its partition, without gaps.

By “without gaps” this means that it returns contiguous rank numbers whenever there are peers. Peers are considered ties and receive the same rank. In such cases, the next rank value is one greater than the current one (i.e. the one that the peers receive).

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