Understanding the CUME_DIST() Function in SQL

Many relational database management systems (RDBMSs) provide us with a range of window functions.

The CUME_DIST() function is a window function that’s commonly implemented in RDBMSs for the purpose of calculating the cumulative distribution across a data set. In other words, it calculates the relative position of a specified value in a group of values.

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Understanding the PERCENTILE_DISC() Function in SQL Server

In SQL Server, PERCENTILE_DISC() is a window function that returns a percentile value based on a discrete distribution of the input column. Basically, it returns the first value in the set whose ordered position is the same or more than the specified fraction.

The output of PERCENTILE_DISC() is equal to a specific column value (unlike the PERCENTILE_CONT() function, which could calculate a value that isn’t in the column).

When we call PERCENTILE_DISC() we specify the percentile to use. It then performs its calculation based on that percentile.

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How to Use the LEAD() Function in SQL Server

In SQL Server, LEAD() is a window function that allows us to access a value from a later row in the same result set, without the need to perform a self-join.

We specify the row as an offset from the current row. An offset of 1 means it gets the value from the next row, an offset of 2 means two rows forward, and so on.

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Introduction to the LAG() Function in SQL Server

In SQL Server, LAG() is a window function that enables us to access a value from a previous row in the same result set, without the need to perform a self-join.

We specify the previous row as an offset from the current row. An offset of 1 means the previous row, an offset of 2 means two rows back, and so on.

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