MongoDB distinct()

In MongoDB, the db.collection.distinct() method finds the distinct values for a specified field across a single collection or view and returns the results in an array.

Distinct values are those with redundant duplicates removed. Distinct values are unique values. For example, if you have 2 or 3 documents with the same value, the distinct command will return just one value.

db.collection.distinct() is a shell wrapper method for the distinct command.

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MongoDB $sortByCount Aggregation Operator

In MongoDB the $sortByCount aggregation pipeline stage groups incoming documents based on the value of a specified expression, then computes the count of documents in each distinct group.

Each group is output in its own document, which consists of two fields:

  • an _id field containing the distinct grouping value, and
  • count field containing the number of documents belonging to that grouping.

The documents are sorted by count in descending order.

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