In MongoDB, the $range
aggregation pipeline operator returns a generated sequence of numbers in an array.
This sequence of numbers is based on the input values you provide.
Continue readingIn MongoDB, the $range
aggregation pipeline operator returns a generated sequence of numbers in an array.
This sequence of numbers is based on the input values you provide.
Continue readingIn MongoDB, the $round
aggregation pipeline operator rounds a number to a whole integer or to a specified decimal place.
You have the option of specifying how many decimal places for which to round the number. To do this, pass a second argument. The first argument is the number to round, and the second (optional) argument is the number of decimal places to round it to.
Continue readingIn MongoDB, the $sample
aggregation pipeline stage randomly selects the specified number of documents from its input.
In MongoDB, the $rand
aggregation pipeline operator returns a random float between 0 and 1.
The floating point value has up to 17 digits after the decimal point. Any trailing zeros are dropped, so the number of digits may vary.
The $rand
operator was introduced in MongoDB 4.4.2.
In MongoDB, the $nin
query operator selects the documents where the field’s value is not in the specified array or where the field doesn’t exist.
In MongoDB, the $ne
aggregation pipeline operator compares two values and returns either true
or false
, depending on whether the two values are not equivalent.
In MongoDB, the $in
aggregation pipeline operator returns a boolean indicating whether a specified value is in the array.
The $in
aggregation pipeline operator is not to be confused with the $in
query operator, which selects the documents where the value of a field equals any value in the specified array.
In MongoDB, the $in
query operator selects the documents where the value of a field equals any value in the specified array.
The $in
query operator is not to be confused with the $in
aggregation pipeline operator, which returns a boolean indicating whether a specified value is in the array.
In MongoDB, the $gte
aggregation pipeline operator compares two values and returns either true
or false
, depending on whether or not the first value is greater than or equal to the second value.
In MongoDB, $ifNull
is an aggregation pipeline operator that allows you to specify a value to use in place of null
The way that it works is, you provide an expression and a replacement expression. If the expression evaluates to a non-null value, that expression is returned. But if the expression evaluates to a null value, $ifNull
returns the value of the replacement expression.
A null value includes instances of undefined values or missing fields.
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