Redis INCRBY Command Explained

In Redis, the INCRBY command increments the value of a key by the specified amount.

If the key doesn’t exist, INCRBY creates the key with a value of 0 and then increments it by the specified amount.

An error occurs if the key contains a value of the wrong type or contains a string that cannot be represented as integer. INCRBY operations are limited to 64 bit signed integers.

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Redis LCS Command Explained

In Redis, the LCS command implements the longest common subsequence algorithm.

The longest common subsequence algorithm finds the longest subsequence common to all sequences in a set of sequences. Note that this is different to the longest common string algorithm (also known as the longest common substring algorithm), which requires that matching characters in the string are contiguous. The longest common subsequence algorithm, on the other hand, doesn’t require matching characters to be contiguous.

The LCS command was introduced in Redis 7.0.0.

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