In PostgreSQL, the regexp_split_to_table() function splits a string using a POSIX regular expression as the delimiter, and returns the result in a table.

So we use a POSIX regular expression to specify the delimiter/s, and split the string based on that.

We pass the string as the first argument and the pattern as the second. We can also specify a flag to change the behaviour of the function.

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Understanding PostgreSQL’s REGEXP_MATCHES() Function

In PostgreSQL, the regexp_matches() function returns substrings that match a given POSIX regular expression in a given string. We can specify that all matches are returned or just the first match. If all matches are returned, each is returned in a separate row.

We pass the string as the first argument and the pattern as the second argument. We can also provide a flag as an optional third argument, which determines how the function behaves.

Each returned row is a text array containing the whole matched substring or the substrings matching parenthesised subexpressions of the pattern.

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How REGEXP_MATCH() Works in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the regexp_match() function returns a text array containing substrings that match a given POSIX regular expression in a given string. Only the first match is returned (to return all matches, use regexp_matches() instead).

We pass the string as the first argument and the pattern as the second argument. We can also provide a flag as an optional third argument, which determines how the function behaves.

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How PostgreSQL’s CHARACTER_LENGTH() Function Works

In PostgreSQL, we can use the character_length() function to return the number of characters in a given string.

It accepts one argument; the string for which to return the length.

The character_length() function is a synonym for the char_length() function and so both do the same thing. We can also use the length() function to get the same result.

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