List of DuckDB Format Specifiers for Date Formats

In DuckDB, we can use functions like strftime() and strptime() to format date or timestamp values. These functions accept a format string that specifies how the date or timestamp should be formatted.

The format string consists of one or more format specifiers. For example, '%d/%m/%Y' is a format string that consists of three format specifiers. The output from that format specifier might look something like 05/09/2050.

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Data Types that SQLite Allows for Strict Tables

SQLite is a lightweight, self-contained SQL database engine known for its simplicity and versatility. In version 3.37.0, SQLite introduced strict tables, offering stricter type enforcement compared to its regular tables.

This feature allows developers to define tables with precise data types, ensuring better data consistency.

In this article, we’ll look at the six supported data types for strict tables—INT, INTEGER, REAL, TEXT, BLOB, and ANY—and provide simple examples to illustrate their usage.

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