MongoDB $sortByCount Aggregation Operator

In MongoDB the $sortByCount aggregation pipeline stage groups incoming documents based on the value of a specified expression, then computes the count of documents in each distinct group.

Each group is output in its own document, which consists of two fields:

  • an _id field containing the distinct grouping value, and
  • count field containing the number of documents belonging to that grouping.

The documents are sorted by count in descending order.

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SQL Not Equal To (<>) Operator for Beginners

In SQL, the not equal to operator (<>) compares the non-equality of two expressions. That is, it tests whether one expression is not equal to another expression.

If either or both operands are NULL, NULL is returned.

SQL also has another not equal to operator (!=), which does the same thing. Which one you use may depend on your DBMS, which one you’re the most comfortable using, and perhaps also whether your organisation has any coding conventions that dictate which one should be used.

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