MySQL PI() Function – Return the Value of Ï€ (pi)

In MySQL, the PI() function returns the value of π (pi). The number π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159 (although it can also be displayed with much greater precision than this).

The PI() function displays π with a default precision of 7 (i.e. 3.141593), however MySQL uses the full double-precision value internally.

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MySQL ROUND() Function – Round a Number to a Given Number of Decimal Places

In MySQL, the ROUND() function allows you to round a number up or down to a given number of decimal places.

The way it works is, you provide the number as an argument, and you have the option of choosing how many decimal places to round the number to. If you don’t specify the number of decimal places, the result will have no decimal places.

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How to “Unhex” a Number in MySQL

In MySQL, you can unhex a string using the UNHEX() function. But you can’t unhex a number with that function.

To unhex a number in MySQL, use the CONV() function instead.

The CONV() function allows you to convert numeric values between different numbering systems. For example, you can convert between say decimal and binary, octal to decimal, or, more relevant to this article, between hexadecimal and decimal.

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