Fixing Error 258 “Cannot call methods on nvarchar(max)” When a Subquery Uses FOR XML in SQL Server

If you’re running a subquery that uses FOR XML to produce XML in SQL Server, but you’re getting error 258, which reads “Cannot call methods on nvarchar(max)” it might be that you’re trying to query the XML in the outer query, but your inner query isn’t outputting the XML as an actual xml type.

The FOR XML result must be an xml type in order to process the result on the server.

To fix this issue, make sure the subquery outputs the result using the xml data type.

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Fix Error “The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions…” in SQL Server (Error 1033)

If you’re getting an error that reads “The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP, OFFSET or FOR XML is also specified” in SQL Server, it appears that you’re using the ORDER BY clause in a place that it must also be accompanied by a TOP, OFFSET or FOR XML clause, but you’re not including one of those clauses.

To fix this issue, be sure to include one of those clauses in your query if you need to use the ORDER BY clause.

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Fix “The correlation name … is specified multiple times in a FROM clause” in SQL Server (Error 1011)

If you’re getting an error that reads something like “The correlation name ‘a’ is specified multiple times in a FROM clause’” in SQL Server, it could be that you’re doing a join on two tables, but you’re assigning them the same aliases.

Each table’s alias must be unique.

To fix this issue, be sure to use unique table aliases in your query.

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Fix “Cannot create index on view because the view is not schema bound” in SQL Server (Error 1939)

If you’re getting an error that reads something like “Cannot create index on view ‘MyView’ because the view is not schema bound” in SQL Server, it sounds like you’re trying to create an index on a view that’s not schema bound.

Indexes can only be created on schema bound views.

To fix this issue, define the view as schema bound before creating the index.

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3 Quick Examples of SQL Subqueries in the WHERE Clause

SQL subqueries are like little helpers that fetch data for our main query. They’re super handy when we need to filter our results based on some other data in our database.

Probably the most common placement of a subquery in SQL is in the WHERE clause. Placing a subquery in the WHERE clause allows us to compare a column against a set of rows that match a certain criteria.

Let’s look at three quick examples of subqueries in the WHERE clause.

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Fix “Computed column … cannot be persisted because the column is non-deterministic” in SQL Server (Error 4936)

If you’re getting an error that reads something like “Computed column ‘c3’ in table ‘t1’ cannot be persisted because the column is non-deterministic” in SQL Server, it appears that you’re trying to persist a computed column that’s nondeterministic.

A nondeterministic function or expression returns a different result for the same input. If a column uses such an expression, then it will be nondeterministic. A computed column must be deterministic.

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4 Ways to Create a UNIQUE Constraint in SQL Server

A UNIQUE constraint is a rule that we can apply to one or more columns in a database table to ensure that the values in those columns are unique across all rows.

In SQL Server we have a few options when it comes to creating a UNIQUE constraint. But it’s usually done when we create the table or alter it. That is, we include the constraint code in the CREATE TABLE statement or the ALTER TABLE statement.

We can also create a UNIQUE index, which can be used in place of the previous methods, but can have the same effect.

Let’s check out several ways to create a UNIQUE constraint in SQL Server.

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Fix “Cannot create index on view because it uses the aggregate COUNT. Use COUNT_BIG instead.” in SQL Server (Error 10138)

If you’re getting an error that reads something like “Cannot create index on view “demo.dbo.SalesSummary” because it uses the aggregate COUNT. Use COUNT_BIG instead” in SQL Server, it’s because you’re trying to create an index on a view that uses the COUNT() function.

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