How to Update a Key and Return its Old Value in a Single Operation in Redis

When using the SET command to set a key in Redis, we can use the GET option to return its old value. This allows us to update the value of a key while returning the value that we’re replacing it with.

Note that this option was introduced in Redis 7.0.0, so if it doesn’t work, check your Redis version. If using an earlier version, try the GETSET command instead (which is deprecated from Redis version 6.2.0).

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Set an Expiry on an Existing Redis Key Only When the Key Doesn’t Already Have an Expiry

When setting an expiry for an existing key in Redis, we now have the option to set the expiry only if the key doesn’t already have an expiry. That’s because Redis 7.0.0 introduced some new options that allows us to do this and other things.

In this case, we can use the NX option when setting the expiry to specify that the expiry should only be set if the key doesn’t already have an expiry. We can use this option on commands such as EXPIRE, EXPIREAT, PEXPIRE, and PEXPIREAT.

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How to Create a Generated Column in MariaDB

A generated column is a database column whose value is an expression. Therefore, the value of the generated column is usually derived (for example, it could be derived from values in other columns).

Generated columns are also sometimes referred to as computed columns or virtual columns.

Creating a generated column in MariaDB is essentially the same as creating a normal column. The difference is that the definition of the generated column contains an expression that determines the column’s value.

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