Return the Partition Number for Each Row When Querying a Partitioned Table in SQL Server (T-SQL)

If you’ve got a partitioned table in SQL Server, and you now want to run a query that includes the partition number on each row returned by the query, you can use the $PARTITION system function to do just that.

The $PARTITION function returns the partition number into which a set of partitioning column values would be mapped for any specified partition function.

You can therefore use it in your SELECT statement to return the partition that each row belongs to.

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How to Delete MongoDB Documents by Importing a File

As of mongoimport version 100.0.0, you can delete documents in MongoDB based on an imported file. To do this, use delete mode.

When you use delete mode, if an imported document has the same _id value as an existing one in the collection that you’re importing into, the existing document will be deleted.

You can also specify another field or fields (other than the _id field) to be the matching field if required.

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2 Ways to Limit the Documents Returned in MongoDB

When you run queries In MongoDB, you have the option of limiting the documents returned. This is where you specify a maximum number of documents to be returned by the operation.

For example, if an operation would normally return 2,000 documents, but you specify a limit of 1,000, then only 1,000 documents are returned. However, if the operation would only return say, 500 documents, then all 500 are returned (because they don’t breach the 1,000 document limit).

This is a bit like using the TOP clause in SQL Server, or the LIMIT clause in MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

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