Use OBJECTPROPERTY() to Find Out if a Table is a System Table in SQL Server

The OBJECTPROPERTY() function in SQL Server enables you to check an object for a specific property.

You can use this function to check whether an object is a system table or not. To do this, pass the object ID as the first argument, and IsSystemTable as the second argument. The function returns a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not it’s a system table (1 means that it is a system table, and 0 means that it’s not).

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Check if an Object is a Primary Key with OBJECTPROPERTY() in SQL Server

You can use the OBJECTPROPERTY() function in SQL Server to check whether or not an object is a primary key.

To find out whether an object is a primary key, pass the object ID as the first argument, and IsPrimaryKey as the second argument. The function returns a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not it’s a primary key.

A return value of 1 means that it is a primary key, and a value of 0 means that it’s not.

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Find Out if an Object is a Foreign Key with OBJECTPROPERTY() in SQL Server

You can use the OBJECTPROPERTY() function in SQL Server to find out whether or not an object is a foreign key.

To find out whether an object is a foreign key, pass the object ID as the first argument, and IsForeignKey as the second argument. The function returns a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not it’s a foreign key.

A return value of 1 means that it is a foreign key, and a value of 0 means that it isn’t.

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Use OBJECTPROPERTY() to Determine Whether an Object is a View in SQL Server

You can use the OBJECTPROPERTY() function in SQL Server to find out whether or not an object is a view.

This function accepts two parameters: the object ID, and the property for which you’re checking it for.

Therefore, you can pass the object ID as the first argument, and IsView as the second, and the function will return either a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not it’s a view.

A return value of 1 means that it is a view, and a value of 0 means that it’s not.

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Check if an Object is a Stored Procedure by Using OBJECTPROPERTY() in SQL Server

In SQL Server you can use the OBJECTPROPERTY() function to find out whether or not an object is a stored procedure.

This function accepts two parameters: the object ID, and the property for which you’re checking it for.

Therefore, you can pass the object ID as the first argument, and IsProcedure as the second, and the function will return either a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not it’s a stored procedure.

A return value of 1 means that it is a stored procedure, and a value of 0 means that it’s not.

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Use OBJECTPROPERTY() to Find Out if an Object is a CHECK Constraint in SQL Server

In SQL Server you can use the OBJECTPROPERTY() function to find out whether or not an object is a CHECK constraint.

This function accepts two parameters: the object ID, and the property for which you’re checking it for.

Therefore, you can pass the object ID as the first argument, and IsCheckCnst as the second, and the function will return either a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not it’s a CHECK constraint.

A return value of 1 means that it is a CHECK constraint, and a value of 0 means that it’s not.

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Check if an Object is a Table, View, or Stored Procedure in SQL Server using the OBJECTPROPERTY() Function

In SQL Server you can use the OBJECTPROPERTY() function to check an object’s type. More specifically, you can check whether it is or isn’t a specific type.

For example, the IsTable property tells you whether or not it’s a table, the IsView property tells you whether or not it’s a view, etc.

This article offers a few basic examples that check whether an object is a table, view, stored procedure, or table-valued function.

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3 Ways to Return All Tables WITHOUT a Primary Key in SQL Server

If you ever need to find out whether a database has any tables that don’t have a primary key, you can run any of the following scripts in SQL Server to return just those tables.

All of these scripts take advantage of the OBJECTPROPERTY() function. This function accepts a TableHasPrimaryKey argument that you can check for a value of 0. If it’s 0, the table doesn’t have a primary key. If it’s 1 it does. Therefore, you can also use this function to return all tables with a primary key.

These scripts simply return the name of the table and its schema, but you can always modify them to return more columns.

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7 Ways to Return All Tables with a Primary Key in SQL Server

If you ever find yourself needing to find all tables that have a primary key in SQL Server, this article can help.

This article offers seven ways to return all tables in the current database that have a primary key.

Note that most of these examples return only the tables – not the primary keys themselves. If you want a list of primary keys, see 11 Ways to Return a Primary Key in SQL Server.

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7 Ways to Return All Tables with Foreign Keys in SQL Server

This article offers seven ways to return all tables that have foreign keys in a database in SQL Server.

Each table is returned just once, regardless of how many foreign keys it may have. This is different to returning all foreign keys, along with their tables. If you want to do that, see 11 Ways to Return Foreign Keys in SQL Server.

All examples here query the same database, and therefore return the same result.

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