A Quick Look at EXP() in SQLite

The exp() function in SQLite calculates the exponential of a given number, where the base is the mathematical constant e (approximately 2.71828). In other words, it returns e raised to the power of x for a given input x.

This function can be useful in scientific and statistical calculations involving exponential growth, decay, and other natural logarithmic-based transformations.

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Understanding the total_changes() Function in SQLite

SQLite is a popular, lightweight, SQL-based relational database engine, frequently used in applications where a full database management system isn’t necessary. Among its various features, SQLite offers built-in functions to track the number of changes made to the database during operations, and one of these functions is total_changes().

In this article, we’ll discuss what the total_changes() function does, how it can be used, and provide examples to illustrate its functionality.

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