How VARIANCE() Works in MySQL

In MySQL, the VARIANCE() function returns the population standard variance of an expression.

If there are no matching rows, or if the expression is NULL, the function returns NULL.

The VARIANCE() function is a synonym for the standard SQL VAR_POP() function. In other words, they both do the same thing, but VARIANCE() is not standard SQL. Therefore, if you need to use standard SQL, use VAR_POP() instead.

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Understanding the VAR_POP() Function in MySQL

In MySQL, the VAR_POP() function returns the population standard variance of an expression.

If there are no matching rows, or if the expression is NULLVAR_POP() it returns NULL.

VAR_POP() is an aggregate function, and so it can be used with the GROUP BY clause.

The VAR_POP() function is standard SQL. There’s also a VARIANCE() function that does the same thing, but is not standard SQL.

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Understanding the STDDEV_SAMP() Function in MySQL

In MySQL, the STDDEV_SAMP() function returns the sample standard deviation of a given expression. This is the square root of VAR_SAMP().

STDDEV_SAMP() is an aggregate function, and so it can be used with the GROUP BY clause.

If there are no matching rows, or if the expression is NULL, STDDEV_SAMP() returns NULL.

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