Fix “The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns” in MySQL

If you’re getting an error that reads “The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns” in MySQL, it’s probably because you’re using the EXCEPT, INTERSECT, or UNION clause, but with a different number of columns for each query.

When we use these clauses, both queries must select the same number of columns. For example, if the first query has two columns in its SELECT list, then the second query must also have two columns in its SELECT list.

To fix, make sure both queries select the same number of columns.

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How to Fix “The function ‘NTILE’ must have an OVER clause with ORDER BY” Error in SQL Server

When using the NTILE() function in SQL Server, we must include an OVER clause clause with an ORDER BY clause.

If you’re getting error msg 4112 that reads “The function ‘NTILE’ must have an OVER clause with ORDER BY” when using the NTILE() function, it’s because, although you’re (correctly) including an OVER clause, you’re omitting the ORDER BY clause.

To fix this error, add an ORDER BY clause to the OVER clause.

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Fix ‘Parse error: near “LIMIT”‘ in SQLite When Using the VALUES Statement

If you’re getting a SQLite error that reads ‘Parse error: near “LIMIT”‘, it could be that you’re trying to use the LIMIT clause when using the VALUES clause as a stand alone statement.

SQLite doesn’t allow us to apply the LIMIT clause against the VALUES statement.

However, there is a work around. Below is an example of how we can apply the LIMIT clause against the VALUES statement.

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Fix “Invalid object name ‘GENERATE_SERIES'” in SQL Server

If you’re getting SQL Server error 208 that reads “Invalid object name ‘GENERATE_SERIES’“, it could be that you’re calling GENERATE_SERIES() in a version of SQL Server that doesn’t support this function.

The GENERATE_SERIES() function was introduced in SQL Server 2022 (16.x), and so if we try to call it in an earlier version of SQL Server, we’ll get the above error.

So if you’re running this on an earlier version, you’ll need to upgrade before you can run it successfully. You’ll also need to run it on a database with a compatibility level of at least 160.

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Fix “Parse error: all VALUES must have the same number of terms” in SQLite when using the VALUES Stand Alone Statement

If you’re getting an error that reads “Parse error: all VALUES must have the same number of terms” in SQLite when using the VALUES clause as a stand alone statement, it’s probably because you’re not providing the same number of columns in all rows.

When we use VALUES to create a constant table, we must provide the same number of columns in each row.

To fix this issue, be sure to provide the same number of columns across all rows.

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Fix SQLite ‘Parse error: near “ORDER”‘ When Using VALUES as a Stand Alone Statement

If you’re getting an error that reads ‘Parse error: near “ORDER”‘ in SQLite, it could be that you’re trying to use the ORDER BY clause when using the VALUES clause as a stand alone statement.

Although we can certainly use the VALUES clause as a stand alone SQL statement, we can’t apply the ORDER BY clause against it.

However all is not lost. Below is an example of how we can sort the results of the VALUES statement.

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Fix “‘GENERATE_SERIES’ is not a recognized built-in function name” in SQL Server

If you’re getting an error that reads “‘GENERATE_SERIES’ is not a recognized built-in function name” in SQL Server, it could be that you’re calling GENERATE_SERIES() in the wrong context.

In SQL Server, GENERATE_SERIES() is a relational operator that returns a series of values from a given start and stop point.

When we call GENERATE_SERIES() in a SQL query, we don’t include it in the SELECT list, like we would with many SQL functions. Instead, we reference it in the FROM clause, like we would reference a table.

So if you’re getting the above error, it could be that you’re inadvertently making this mistake. To fix, be sure to call GENERATE_SERIES() in the correct context.

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How to Fix “The function ‘CUME_DIST’ must have an OVER clause with ORDER BY” Error in SQL Server

If you’re getting error message 4112 that reads “The function ‘CUME_DIST’ must have an OVER clause with ORDER BY” when using the CUME_DIST() function, it’s probably because you’re omitting the ORDER BY clause from the OVER clause.

When using the CUME_DIST() function in SQL Server, we must include an OVER clause that contains an ORDER BY clause. This error happens when we provide the OVER clause but not the ORDER BY clause.

To fix this error, add an ORDER BY clause to the OVER clause.

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Fix “Window element in OVER clause can not also be specified in WINDOW clause” in SQL Server

If you’re getting error number 4123 that reads “Window element in OVER clause can not also be specified in WINDOW clause” in SQL Server, it’s probably because you’re referring to a named window with the same clause that’s in the named window.

When we use the OVER clause to refer to a named window in SQL Server, we can’t include a clause that’s also present in the named window.

To fix the issue, remove one of the clauses – either the one in the OVER clause or the one in the named window.

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Fix “Procedure or function GENERATE_SERIES has too many arguments specified” in SQL Server

If you’re getting error 8144 with a message that reads “Procedure or function GENERATE_SERIES has too many arguments specified” in SQL Server, it’s because you’re passing too many arguments to the GENERATE_SERIES() function.

The GENERATE_SERIES() function/relational operator accepts a minimum of two arguments, and a maximum of three (at least, this is the case at the time of writing).

So to fix this error, be sure to provide either two arguments or three when using the GENERATE_SERIES() function.

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