SQLite Date & Time Functions

SQLite supports five functions for working with dates and times. These are:

All of these functions accept a time string as an argument. They also accept other arguments for modifying/formatting the output.

The strftime() function is the most versatile function of the five. In fact, this function can do everything the other four can.

In other words, you could use strftime() for all your date and time formatting requirements. The other four functions are available solely for convenience.

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How the Strftime() Function Works in SQLite

The SQLite strftime() function enables you to return a date and time value in a specified format.

The actual date/time value returned is based on a time string that you provide as an argument when you call the function, as well as any modifiers you include (as optional arguments). A modifier allows you to change the date, such as add a number of days, set it to local time, etc

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