How to Show all Locales in MariaDB

MariaDB supports a large list of locales that are used by functions such as DAYNAME(), MONTHNAME() and DATE_FORMAT().

While these locales are available to MariaDB, by default they’re not loaded into any of the system tables, so you can’t run a query to retrieve them.

However, MariaDB provides a plugin that does load these into a table. Once the plugin has been installed, you can query that table to return the locales available in MariaDB.

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How to Format the Date in MongoDB

If you have documents that store dates as Date objects, but you want to return them in a different format, you can use the $dateToString aggregate pipeline operator.

For example, you might want a date to be returned in mm/dd/yyyy format instead of the long ISODate() format that includes minutes, seconds, milliseconds, etc

The $dateToString operator converts the Date object to a string, and optionally allows you to specify a format for the resulting output.

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