In Oracle Database, the TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ()
function converts its argument to a value of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
data type.
Tag: date functions
TO_DSINTERVAL() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the TO_DSINTERVAL()
function converts its argument to a value of INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
data type.
TZ_OFFSET() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the TZ_OFFSET()
function returns the time zone offset corresponding to the argument based on the date the statement is executed.
NUMTOYMINTERVAL() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the NUMTOYMINTERVAL()
function converts a number to an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
NUMTODSINTERVAL() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the NUMTODSINTERVAL()
function converts a number to an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
NEXT_DAY() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the NEXT_DAY()
function returns the date of the first instance of the specified weekday that is later than the specified date.
TO_CHAR(datetime) Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the TO_CHAR(datetime)
function converts a datetime or interval value to a VARCHAR2
value in the format specified by the date format.
NEW_TIME() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the NEW_TIME()
function converts the date from a specified time zone to another specified time zone, and returns the result.
MONTHS_BETWEEN() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the MONTHS_BETWEEN()
function returns the number of months between two dates.
LAST_DAY() Function in Oracle
In Oracle Database, the LAST_DAY()
function returns the last day of the month that contains the supplied date.
It accepts one argument, which is the date for which you want to find the last day of the month.
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