How to Format the Date in MongoDB

If you have documents that store dates as Date objects, but you want to return them in a different format, you can use the $dateToString aggregate pipeline operator.

For example, you might want a date to be returned in mm/dd/yyyy format instead of the long ISODate() format that includes minutes, seconds, milliseconds, etc

The $dateToString operator converts the Date object to a string, and optionally allows you to specify a format for the resulting output.

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Change the Date Format For the Current Session in SQL Server

Whenever you connect to SQL Server, a bunch of default settings are applied to your session. These include the language and the date format settings.

The date format is normally determined by your default language. For example, if your default language is us_english, then the default date format will probably be mdy, and the first day of the week will be day 7 (Sunday).

If you change your language, you the date format will implicitly be updated accordingly.

However, you still have the option of changing the date format without changing the language. To do this, you can use SET DATEFORMAT.

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