In Redis, the SCARD
command returns the number of members in the specified set. This is referred to as the cardinality of the set.
Tag: commands
Redis SADD Command Explained
In Redis, the SADD
command allows us to add members to a key. We can add multiple members if required.
A Redis set is an unordered collection of unique strings (members).
Continue readingRedis OBJECT IDLETIME Command Explained
In Redis, we can use the OBECT IDLETIME
command to check how many seconds has passed since the last access to a given key.
Redis LTRIM Command Explained
In Redis, the LTRIM
command allows us to trim a list to a specified number of elements. We specify the starting and ending index, which is used to trim the list to just that range.
Redis LSET Command Explained
In Redis, the LSET
command allows us to set a list element to a different value, based on its index.
Redis LREM Command Explained
In Redis, we can use the LREM
command to remove one or more elements from a list. The number of elements removed depends on the arguments we pass.
Redis LINSERT Command Explained
In Redis, the LINSERT
command allows us to insert an element into a list.
We have the choice of inserting it either before or after a specified element.
Continue readingRedis LPOS Command Explained
In Redis, the LPOS
command returns the index of matching elements inside a list.
Redis BLMOVE Command Explained
In Redis, the BLMOVE
command is the blocking variant of LMOVE
When the specified list contains elements, it atomically returns and removes either the first or last element of the given source list, and pushes the element at either the first or last element of the specified destination list. Whether it’s the first or last element depends on the arguments passed to the command.
Continue readingRedis LMOVE Command Explained
In Redis, the LMOVE
command atomically returns and removes either the first or last element of the given source list, and pushes the element at either the first or last element of the specified destination list.
Whether it’s the first or last element depends on the arguments passed to the command.
command can be used in place of the RPOPLPUSH
command, which has been deprecated since Redis 6.2.0.