Return All Foreign Keys & CHECK Constraints in a SQL Server Database (T-SQL Examples)

In SQL Server, you can use Transact-SQL to return a list of all foreign keys and CHECK constraints for the current database.

The examples on this page query two system views in order to retrieve this information: sys.foreign_keys and sys.check_constraints. You can query each one separately, or use UNION to display them all in a single result set.

Example 1 – Combined Result Set

In this example, I use UNION to return foreign keys and CHECK constraints in the same result set.

  OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) AS 'Table',
  name AS 'Constraint',
FROM sys.foreign_keys
FROM sys.check_constraints;


| Table            | Constraint                     | type_desc              | is_disabled   | is_not_trusted   |
| BandMember       | FK_BandMember_Band             | FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT | 0             | 0                |
| BandMember       | FK_BandMember_Musician         | FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT | 0             | 0                |
| City             | FK_City_Country                | FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT | 0             | 0                |
| MembershipPeriod | chkValidEndDate                | CHECK_CONSTRAINT       | 0             | 0                |
| MembershipPeriod | FK_MembershipPeriod_BandMember | FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT | 0             | 0                |

In this case, the current database contains four foreign keys and one CHECK constraint.

We can also see whether each constraint is enabled or disabled, as well as whether it’s trusted or not.

Example 2 – Return All Columns

These two views return more columns than I’ve listed in this example. You can always use a wildcard to return all columns. However, if you do this, you won’t be able to use UNION, because each view returns a different number of columns.

Therefore, you’ll need to query them separately. For example:

SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys;
SELECT * FROM sys.check_constraints;

That will produce two result sets: one containing the foreign keys, the other containing the CHECK constraints.

To save space, I won’t display the results of that query. But here’s what the second line produces (using vertical output to save you from having to scroll horizontally):

SELECT * FROM sys.check_constraints;

Result (using vertical output):

-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------
name                    | chkValidEndDate
object_id               | 1525580473
principal_id            | NULL
schema_id               | 1
parent_object_id        | 1349579846
type                    | C 
type_desc               | CHECK_CONSTRAINT
create_date             | 2019-09-11 00:33:02.587
modify_date             | 2019-09-11 00:33:02.587
is_ms_shipped           | 0
is_published            | 0
is_schema_published     | 0
is_disabled             | 0
is_not_for_replication  | 0
is_not_trusted          | 0
parent_column_id        | 0
definition              | ([EndDate]>=[StartDate])
uses_database_collation | 1
is_system_named         | 0

You can include any of these columns in your query, but if you combine it with the foreign keys, be sure to include the same columns across both views.

The sys.foreign_keys view returns a few more columns. Here’s a modified query, where I return the first row (by name) from that view.

FROM sys.foreign_keys
ORDER BY name;

Result (using vertical output):

-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------
name                           | FK_BandMember_Band
object_id                      | 1317579732
principal_id                   | NULL
schema_id                      | 1
parent_object_id               | 1285579618
type                           | F 
type_desc                      | FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT
create_date                    | 2019-08-17 15:58:42.027
modify_date                    | 2019-08-17 15:58:42.027
is_ms_shipped                  | 0
is_published                   | 0
is_schema_published            | 0
referenced_object_id           | 1253579504
key_index_id                   | 1
is_disabled                    | 0
is_not_for_replication         | 0
is_not_trusted                 | 0
delete_referential_action      | 0
delete_referential_action_desc | NO_ACTION
update_referential_action      | 0
update_referential_action_desc | NO_ACTION
is_system_named                | 0