In Redis, the ZCARD
command returns the cardinality (number of elements) of a sorted set.
Redis ZINTERSTORE Command Explained
command computes the intersection of the specified sorted sets and stores the result in the specified key. It works the same as the ZINTER
command, except that it stores the result instead of returning it.
If the destination key already exists, it’s overwritten.
Continue readingRedis ZINTER Command Explained
In Redis, the ZINTER
command returns the intersection of the specified sorted sets. In other words, it returns only those members that are present in all sorted sets.
Fix “WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value” when using LRANGE in Redis
If you get an error that reads “WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value” when using the LRANGE
command, it’s probably because you’re passing a key with the wrong data type.
To fix this issue, be sure that the key you pass to the LRANGE
command holds a list.
Redis ZDIFFSTORE Command Explained
In Redis, the ZDIFFSTORE
command computes the difference between the first and all successive input sorted sets and stores the result in the specified key.
works in the same way as the ZDIFF
command, except that it stores the result instead of returning it (ZDIFF
returns the result instead of storing it in a new key).
Redis ZDIFF Command Explained
In Redis, the ZDIFF
command returns the difference between the first and all successive input sorted sets.
Redis ZCOUNT Command Explained
In Redis, the ZCOUNT
command returns the number of elements in a sorted set with a score between two given values.
Redis ZREVRANK Command Explained
In Redis, the ZREVRANK
command returns the rank of the specified element of a sorted set ordered in descending order (from high to low).
If we want the set to be in ascending order, we can use the ZRANK
Redis ZRANK Command Explained
In Redis, the ZRANK
command returns the rank of the specified element of a sorted set.
The scores are ordered from low to high. If we want them in the opposite order, we can use the ZREVRANK
Redis ZRANDMEMBER Command Explained
command enables us to get one or more random elements from a sorted set.
We can specify whether or not to return only distinct elements or to allow duplicates. We can also specify whether or not to include the scores of each element in the result.
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