Fix “MINVALUE (…) must be less than MAXVALUE (…)” When Creating a Sequence in PostgreSQL

If you’re getting an error that reads something like “MINVALUE (1) must be less than MAXVALUE (1)” in PostgreSQL when you’re trying to create a sequence, it’s probably because your sequence’s minimum possible value is higher than the maximum value.

To fix this issue, be sure that the sequence’s maximum value is greater than the minimum value.

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2 Ways to Apply a Sequence to a Table in SQL Server

In SQL Server, we can create sequence objects in order to generate a range of numbers that increment with each call to the sequence.

Although sequences are similar to identity columns, they are different in that they are generated independently of any table. It’s up to the application to generate the next sequence number before inserting it into the table. Therefore, we can apply a sequence to a table in the same way we would insert any other data into a table.

Here are two ways to apply sequence numbers into a table in SQL Server.

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Understanding the JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_REPORT() Function in MySQL

In MySQL, the JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_REPORT() function validates a JSON document against a JSON schema and returns a report of the outcome of that validation. The report is returned as a JSON document.

If the document is valid, only one field is returned: "valid" : true. If the document is not valid, a more extensive report is provided.

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7 Functions to Format a Number to 2 Decimal Places in MySQL

A common task when working with numbers is to format them to a certain amount of decimal places. Two decimal places seems to be the most common format, but we can format to any number of decimal places we want. MySQL provides us with a number of functions that can help us achieve this.

Below are seven functions that can be used to format a number to two decimal places in MySQL.

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Fix Error Msg 3625 “‘Inline XSD for FOR XML EXPLICIT’ is not yet implemented.” in SQL Server

If you’re getting error Msg 3625 in SQL Server that reads “‘Inline XSD for FOR XML EXPLICIT’ is not yet implemented“, it’s because you’re trying to add an inline schema to an XML document that you’re generating using EXPLICIT mode with the FOR XML clause.

As the message alludes to, SQL Server doesn’t yet support inline XSD schemas when using EXPLICIT mode of the FOR XML clause (at least, not at the time of this writing).

To fix this issue, either use a different mode to generate the XML with an inline schema (specifically, use either AUTO or RAW mode), or don’t generate an inline schema at all (i.e. remove XMLSCHEMA from the query).

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How to Convert Time Zones in MySQL using the Time Zone Name

When using a function like CONVERT_TZ() to convert between time zones in MySQL, we provide the date/time value, along with the original time zone and the destination time zone (i.e. the time zone that we’re converting to).

One typical way to do this is to use the time zone offset, such as −05:00 to specify the time zone. Another method is to use the time zone name. However, this requires that we have configured named time zones in MySQL.

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