How to Fix “The function ‘LAG’ must have an OVER clause” Error in SQL Server

If you’re getting an error that reads “The function ‘LAG’ must have an OVER clause” in SQL Server, it’s probably because you’re calling the LAG() function without an OVER clause.

The LAG() function requires an OVER clause (and that clause must have an ORDER BY clause).

To fix this issue, be sure to include an OVER clause when calling the LAG() function.

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RANK() vs DENSE_RANK() in SQL: What’s the Difference?

Many RDBMSs include both a rank() and a dense_rank() function in their list of window function offerings. At first glance, these functions might appear to do the same thing. However, there’s one important difference between these functions, and you will definitely need to be aware of this difference when choosing which function to use.

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An Introduction to the MEDIAN() Function in SQL

Some relational database management systems (RDBMSs) have a MEDIAN() function that calculates the median value within a range of values.

It returns the middle value or an interpolated value that would be the middle value once the values are sorted.

The SQL MEDIAN() function typically operates on numeric expressions, but depending on the RDBMS, may also operate on other data types, such as datetime expressions.

Depending on the RDBMS, the MEDIAN() function can be used as a window function, as an aggregate function, or as both.

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How to Fix Error “function lead(numeric, numeric) does not exist” in PostgreSQL

If you’re getting an error in PostgreSQL that reads something like “function lead(numeric, numeric) does not exist“, it may be because your second argument is of the wrong data type.

The second argument to the lead() function is optional, but if it’s provided, it must be an integer.

To fix this issue, make sure the second argument is an integer. Alternatively, you can omit the second argument altogether if you’re happy to use the default value of 1.

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Introduction to the PERCENTILE_DISC() Function in SQL

Some SQL databases have a PERCENTILE_DISC() function that calculates a percentile based on a discrete distribution of a range of column values.

We specify the percentile to use when we call the function.

Depending on the DBMS, PERCENTILE_DISC() can be used as a window function, as an aggregate function, or as both.

The PERCENTILE_DISC() function always returns a value from the underlying data. This is in contrast to the PERCENTILE_CONT() function, which can interpolate between adjacent values to return a value that’s not in the underlying data.

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Overview of the PERCENTILE_CONT() Function in SQL

Some relational database management systems (RDBMSs) have a PERCENTILE_CONT() function that calculates a percentile based on a continuous distribution across a range of column values.

We specify the percentile to use when we call the function.

Depending on the RDBMS, PERCENTILE_CONT() can be used as a window function or an aggregate function, or as both.

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