How to Check a Table for Unique Indexes in SQLite

Being able to ensure uniqueness in database tables is critical for maintaining data integrity. SQLite allows us to create unique indexes in order to enforce uniqueness, and it provides us with tools to check the unique indexes associated with a table.

This article outlines how to use the SQLite PRAGMA index_list() command to check a table for unique indexes.

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How to Format Dates in DuckDB

When working with SQL databases such as DuckDB, dates usually conform to a specific format. In particular, when we create dates in DuckDB, they must conform to the ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). It’s the same with time (hh:mm:ss[.zzzzzz][+-TT[:tt]]) and timestamp values (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.zzzzzzzzz][+-TT[:tt]]).

But what if we have a requirement to present these dates or timestamps in a different format?

Fortunately, DuckDB provides us with tools to so. This article explains how to format date and timestamp values according to a specified format.

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A Quick Look at the LIST() Function in DuckDB

DuckDB, an in-memory analytical SQL database management system, provides a good selection of functions for data manipulation and analysis. One of the these functions is list().

The list() function enables users to group multiple values into a single list, allowing for more advanced data aggregation and operations.

In this article, we’ll explore how the list() function works, along with some simple examples.

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List of DuckDB Format Specifiers for Date Formats

In DuckDB, we can use functions like strftime() and strptime() to format date or timestamp values. These functions accept a format string that specifies how the date or timestamp should be formatted.

The format string consists of one or more format specifiers. For example, '%d/%m/%Y' is a format string that consists of three format specifiers. The output from that format specifier might look something like 05/09/2050.

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Azure Data Studio is Being Retired: Microsoft Recommends Transitioning to Visual Studio Code

As an Azure Data Studio user, I was surprised when an alert popped up informing me that Azure Data Studio (ADS) is being retired on February 28, 2026. The message included a link to Microsoft’s recent announcement.

Microsoft now recommends we transition to Visual Studio Code (VS Code) instead.

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