If you’re trying to check an advanced configuration option in SQL Server, but you get an error, you might find the following helpful.
Continue readingLimiting Simultaneous User Sessions for a Specific Login in SQL Server
In SQL Server, you can use a logon trigger to audit and control server sessions, such as track login activity, restrict logins to SQL Server, or limit the number of sessions for a specific login.
This article provides an example of using a logon trigger to limit the number of simultaneous sessions for a specific login.
Continue readingReturn a List of Server Trigger Events in SQL Server
In SQL Server, you can use the sys.server_trigger_events
catalog view to return a list of server trigger events.
More specifically, this view contains one row for each event for which a server-level (synchronous) trigger fires.
Continue readingReturn a List of All Server Triggers in SQL Server
In SQL Server, you can use the sys.server_triggers
catalog view to return a list of server triggers.
More specifically, this view contains the set of all server-level DDL triggers with object_type of TR or TA.
For CLR triggers, the assembly must be loaded into the master
Return a List of Triggers in SQL Server
You can use the sys.triggers
catalog view to return a list of triggers in a database in SQL Server.
This view contains a row for each object that is a trigger, with a type of TR or TA.
Continue readingExamples of Formatting ‘datetimeoffset’ in SQL Server using Standard Format Strings (T-SQL)
I thought it would be interesting to run a few quick queries to see how various formatting strings affect the formatting of date/time values.
Create a “Last Modified” Column in SQL Server
Some database tables include a “last modified” column, which stores the date and time that the row was last updated. Each time the row is updated, the date is updated to reflect the date and time of that update.
In SQL Server, you can use a trigger to perform this update.
A trigger is a special type of stored procedure that automatically runs when an event occurs in the database server.
You can use the CREATE TRIGGER
statement to create a trigger when using T-SQL. This statement can be used to create a DML, DDL, or logon trigger.
PostgreSQL Date & Time Functions
Below is a full list of date/time functions available in PostgreSQL.
Continue readingPostgreSQL Math Functions
Below is a full list of mathematical functions available in PostgreSQL.
These are arranged into the following four categories:
- Mathematical Functions
- Random Functions
- Trigonometric Functions
- Hyperbolic Functions
“Cannot drop the trigger” Error when Trying to Drop a Logon Trigger? Try This.
Are you’re trying to drop a logon trigger in SQL Server, but you’re getting an error like the following?
“Cannot drop the trigger ‘trigger_name’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.”
It could be because you’re missing the ON ALL SERVER