Override the Query Optimizer for your T-SQL Joins with FORCEPLAN

The SET FORCEPLAN statement overrides the logic used by the SQL Server query optimizer to process a T-SQL SELECT statement.

More specifically, when FORCEPLAN is set to ON, the query optimizer processes a join in the same order as the tables appear in the FROM clause of a query.

This also forces the use of a nested loop join unless other types of joins are required to construct a plan for the query, or they are requested with join hints or query hints.

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Create a Database in SQL Server (T-SQL)

Many developers and database administrators create databases using GUI tools such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Azure Data Studio, etc.

But it can be much quicker to create databases using SQL. This is especially true if you have various environments that you need to recreate the same database on. You can run the same script against each environment, and the database will be created within seconds each time.

In SQL Server, we do this with T-SQL. T-SQL stands for Transact-SQL, and it is SQL Server’s extension to SQL.

Below is an example of using T-SQL to create a database in SQL Server.

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